Join us for Duke Cancer Review: Cure, Comfort and Collaboration in Oncology Care, a program designed to highlight key areas of multidisciplinary care for cancer management. Duke Cancer Review provides medical, radiation and surgical oncologists, nurses, scientists and allied healthcare professionals a comprehensive summary of the most up-to-date research and clinical data presented at ASCO and other standard setting professional scientific meetings. Each topic is presented by an expert in the respective field, with an emphasis on the integration of multi-modal approaches to cancer treatment, community care perspectives, and strategies for optimizing transitions in goals of care.
Duke Cancer Review will provide health care providers an overview of emerging data In the following malignancies:
- Gastrointestinal Liver
- Hematology
- Genitourinary
- Breast
- Thoracic
- Endocrine
Additional Content will focus on stratification of incidental findings on CT, integration of palliative care and APP perspectives.
Keynote Topic:
“The Times They Are A’ Changin: Integration of Palliative Care in Oncology "
Palliative care is increasingly expanding in its importance in serious illnesses, including cancer. Dr Jones will share with us a brief history of palliative care, lay out its ‘branding problem’, and think about current opportunities and future threats to successful integration of palliative care in academic and community oncology care.
Keynote Speaker:
Christopher Jones, MD, MBA, HMDC, FAAHPM
Clinical Vice Chief and Director of Outpatient Palliative Care, DukeHealth
Editor in Chief, Journal of Palliative Medicine
Chris Jones, MD, MBA, HMDC, FAAHPM trained in Internal Medicine at Brown University and completed fellowships in Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Geriatric Medicine at Duke University. He currently serves as the Clinical Vice Chief at Duke Palliative Care and is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke SOM. After four years as the Founding Editor of the journal Palliative Medicine Reports, in 2023 Dr. Jones became the third Editor in Chief of the Journal of Palliative Medicine’s 27-year history. He serves on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, assists the Center to Advance Palliative Care with its billing and coding resources, serves as Core Faculty at the Four Seasons Palliative Care Immersion Course, was named as AAHPM’s alternate subspecialty advisor to the AMA RUC, and offers consulting around billing, coding, and revenue enhancement through Lightning Bolt Partners, LLC.
Duke Cancer Network Content Chairs:
Linda Sutton, MD
Professor of Medicine
Medical Director, Duke Cancer Network
Dan G. Blazer III, MD, FACS, MEM
Professor of Surgery

Christine E. Eyler, MD, PhD
Butler Harris Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology